• A day without water

    Student Name : Gatik B Nerkar (Standard : 2) School Name : Greenfingers Global School

    Posted on : 14 Jul 2019 Views : 1040

    I was born and brought up in metro (Mumbai- India), having all facilities so never realized what a scarcity means and never lived up to it until last year when our family was out on vacation to Gujarat to meet grandfather. We were travelling in train and had 2 bottles of water to drink when it got finished we had to struggle a lot to find drinking water, pantry had no water, taps were dried out at railway station. We were just waiting hard to reach home and have water, throughout the journey we found fields were barren and dried, trees were more like skeletons, cattles seems to be weak and suffering from disease, people were travelling far-off distance in search of water. i was quite horrified seeing all this and asked my father- what should we do to improve the situation? I can't live like this and wanted to return home (Mumbai) from mid way. My father smiled and asked me to have patience and not to lose heart. It is important to see and live the otherside of the life to realise and make right choices in life. Water conservation and no wastage is the only solution, it is a natural resources and we should be judiciously using it. Few hours without water has changed my ways over a period of time and become conscious enough to stop wastage and educate fellow beings to adopt good practice like- serve less than half a glass of water, do not use shower for bathing instead use bucket, after moping reuse to water the plant, play holi with dry colours instead of water.
    After all it's water that can help prosper a country by having good crops year after year or bring devastation in the form of floods.
    I am hoping a small step taken collectively will make a huge difference to man-kind, l call upon everyone to join this movement.

    Thank you.
    Gatik B Nerkar

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