• A day without water

    Student Name : Soham (Standard : 8) School Name : Podar International School

    Posted on : 09 Jul 2019 Views : 1061

    Water is the most important thing on this planet (and maybe even on other planets) for all the living things on Mother Earth. Water is almost used in each and every thing we do, from brushing your teeth daily to cooking your daily meals. We even use water in flushing the toilet, bathing, watering the plants, swimming and even drinking water. Now even our own body uses the water in its own different ways. We need to drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily to keep our body healthy and functioning for all the tasks we do all the day. Our body i made up of 70% of water. Now the functions of water in our body are keeping our skin supple, refreshing our body parts, relaxing our brain and most importantly the presence of water in our blood. There is 80% of water in our blood and it helps blood to transport all the nutrients and oxygen to all the body parts in our body. Now if there are so many uses of water in one human body and so many actions only one person does which all involve water, then think about 7.7 billion people who live on this planet and all use water like an average person then just imagine how much water will be wasted in one day or one year. This has been a huge problem in the whole world which is Water Wastage. Now let’s just imagine a day without water. I know it will be a huge dilemma, not just for us but also for all of the living beings and yes I mean all 75 billion tons of living things on this planet. We all will go really thirsty and will not be able to control ourselves. We will not be able to concentrate on anything because we need to flourish our bodies and even plants will not be able to give the right amount or the right quality of crops it does. All the small living organisms which depend on water for their lives will die as they can’t survive without water that long as we can do. An average human being can live for 4 days without water. But all the marine life will die as they can’t breathe on land except some animals. But more than 50% of the life on earth will vanish because of the scarcity of water for only one day. Now after all these we may have already the importance of water and what happens if water is not available for all the living beings. Water is really precious we need to save it right now and at this right moment. Every drop counts. “You need to save water as if your life depends on it because one day it may.”

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