• A Day without water

    Student Name : Bhargav singh (Standard : 8 th) School Name : Gokuldham High School and Junior college

    Posted on : 14 Jul 2019 Views : 807

    Nowadays , there are many things without which life cannot exist . One of the main is water . Water is necessary for both plants and animals. Without water, plants won't be able to prepare food and animals are dependent on plants so,the life of animals will also come to an end.Water is very important as water helps in metabolic activities of our body and also keep ourselves clean .Water is the daily need for the plants and animals . A person can survive without eating for two to three days but a person cannot survive without water even for a day so you can imagine that how important water is. A day without pure water could cause many problems like dehydration and so it would lead to weakness in animals and death of plants due to which humans and animals would go in search of water and will tend to drink impure water in thirst which would cause diseases like cholera and diarrhoea etc. Due to these diseases the death rate of animals would rapidly increase. Therefore , methods like 'Rain-water harvesting ' and limited use of water by using modern techniques of irrigation like drip,spray irrigation would help save water lost by evaporation while irrigation. These are the ways to save water for our coming generation.

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