A day without water
Student Name : Jaagrav Agarawala (Standard : 4) School Name : Lokhandwala Foundation School
Posted on : 14 Jul 2019 Views : 959
I dread the day wherein we would have to be without water. A day without water would be a day without oxygen and all activities would come to a standstill.
Water is one of our basic needs. We would not be able to cook, wash clothes, clean utensils, take shower, etc. thereby making us dirty. An unclean body would eventually lead to an unclean mind.
We often waste precious water by taking bath in a shower, keeping the taps open while brushing our teeth and washing cars and cycles using a hose pipe. While taking a bath, we can use bucket, open the tap after brushing our teeth and wash cars and cycles using a bucket. Such small steps will go a long way to conserve water. After all, we must not forget that Earth is the only planet in the entire universe which has water and it is because of water that we exist today.
Let us hope and pray that we never have a day without water.