• Elephants and the mice - Story on sharing

    Student Name : Aadya Gaba (Standard : 4) School Name : Ryan International School

    Posted on : 17 Feb 2022 Views : 499

    One day in the jungle a herd of elephants looking for a new home. There found a lake some distance away and mice lived there in holes in the ground. as soon as the herd came running the mice got trampled and some died. King king of mice lived in a tree so when elephants came running again the king of mice jumped in the king of elephants ear. The elephant wailed in pain. The mice asked him to change his home and when time will come they will also help them. The elephants laughed. The king of elephants said they will change their path but they don't need help. After a few months the herd of elephants got trapped in hunter's net. The mice had changed their home and were near the elephants the mice came and cut the nets. The elephants were thankful that the mice had saved their lives.

    Moral - Help someone on one day. They may also help you.

    Story by- Aadya Gaba.

    This story is fictional. Please don't think it is real

    Hope you enjoy it . Thank you!

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