• A day without water

    Student Name : Shabbir .m.sidhpurwala (Standard : 7) School Name : Indus Universal school

    Posted on : 08 Jul 2019 Views : 1082

    One day as I woke up to go to school,I went into the bathroom to have a bath and change into my uniform and I realized that there was no water coming from the shower or the taps. I started to panic and called out to my mother she answered there was no water in the whole house . I walked out without having a bath and saw my lunch and breakfast wasn't ready as there was no water. My father was running everywhere and my mother was making calls to check when will the water start coming,. I picked up my bag felling all dirty and smelly . I drank a glass of milk and went to school.In school also there was no water to drink or in the washroom . I was feeling thirsty and hungry and was beginning to feel weak and tired . We had a sports period after which I felt my tongue go dry and had no food to eat as well I felt that I would die ....... suddenly my mom splashed a glass of water on my face to wake me up for school and then I realized that it was a dream . I am glad it wasn't real or all life would seize even without just one day with no water

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