• A day without water

    Student Name : Saanvi Aggarwal (Standard : 8th ) School Name : Gokuldham high school

    Posted on : 13 Jul 2019 Views : 973

    It's not that I haven't imagined a day without water.I have live it.It was a Sunday when I woke up and opened one of the tap to brush.My little brother was yelling as he was thirsty ,I was not able to brush or bathe. On asking my mother ,she told me that there was a leakage in pipeline. That day I understood the importance of water.All living organisms, that include humans,animals,plants, micro- organisms need water.Humans need water to bath,brush, irrigate plants and many activities in which we take part in our day to day life.Moreover, there will be no aquatic life and life on the earth will come to an end.
    More than 1 billion people face shortage of water in this world. This is a very common problem against people. This population is ever increasing and fresh water in only 3 pecent. Hence increasing population plays a very important role in loss of water. Some farmers use fertilizer and pesticides in plants and wash it away. This chemical water mixes with the pure water and cannot be used. People in very small towns wash their animals and clothes.Some people overuse the water. In some countries like Dubai, there is shortage of water. The people there drink distilated water which has become expensive.
    Our earlier generation was provided with limited facilities and thus they knew it's importance. But today everything is easily available so no one cares much.If this does not happen then our next generation will be facing this problems.
    To prevent all this not only the government of different nations has to take part but also us. We need to be united and have to save water. Some common measures can be taken by common crowd that our easy and we can cultiate in our daily life. Some common measures can be taken like educating people and encouraged in recycling water.
    Hence its is our duty , as the people on earth. We have to save water and this save life. We get nothing for free , we have to pay in exchange. Work is the rent we pay ,for living on this planet earth. Thus we should work hard to save mother earth. Let's not image a day without water.

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