A Day Without Water
Student Name : Akshay (Standard : VI) School Name : DPS Nacharam
Posted on : 16 Jul 2019 Views : 892
"What", I shrieked no water! There was no water in my bucket. I went to the kitchen. "No water here too? Time to panic.. How do I survive?", I was tensed! I switched on my television to stay away from tension. In the cartoon my little brother watching was also about days with no water.Then I heard that people were protesting for water facility! I randomly switched to a channel where there were people praying to god for rain. I again switched the channel and I saw the president announcing that there would be no water today as the citizens are wasting water. WOW! What a surprise! But with no water it would be hard for me to survive! An amazing idea just came into my mind, I dashed to the secret place in my house an grabbed small bottles from the shelf. I gave one to my brother and the other 2 for the family. I was glad I filled it yesterday! This thought me a very important lesson-not to wastewater. It was only for a day, but I felt it would be real one day and we would not have water to use any more! So I take a pledge that I will not waste water and I want you to do this too. If you waste water now it will never be available to us in the future. Also tell others so that they can understand about not wasting water.