Essay: A day without water
Student Name : Aarushi Singh (Standard : 7th ) School Name : Lokhandwala Foundation School
Posted on : 14 Jul 2019 Views : 1062
A day without water
Water is driver of life. nd
Without water our life will be like a bird without wings .As a bird cannot fly without wings.We cannot live without water .HUMAN BEING is like an animal only , as a animal do not understand anything HUMANS also not undestand that water is as precious as GOLD.
Now in INDIA only if we go and see to the beaches the water there is so dirty, plastics are thrown everywhere .In Cape Town the capital city of SOUTH AFRICA is going to be dry in 2020 a single drop of water will also not be left their such a big city is going to be dry. If we go to the slum area the people drink tap water which is so impure thats why the people of slum are a get seek so often .In such a big earth if we see there is only a little bit of water which is pure. Thats why we should not waste water we should do rain water harvesting . ONE day I asked my mother during fast how do you live without water ??? she told me now it had become a habbit but when she took the fast first time it was very difficult. It was like the fishes are flyiing and birds are swimming the whole world is up side down, no energy remains in body, whenever she saw the jug she thaught if it was allow then she must grab the jug and drink all of the water in jug.She told A DAY WITHOUT WATER IS VERY DIFFICULT.
Thats why we should not waste water.